Where Have We Been

Spreading the Word 

Insuring A Better World Fund’s founders, David Simon and Robert Stuchiner, have been traveling coast-to-coast to share its mission to reimagine the collaboration between the life insurance industry and charitable giving, and maximize the value of charitable gifts of life insurance. David and Robert have spoken to a variety of financial and charitable professionals. These groups and events include First Financial Resources’ Insurance Insights Podacst, The Dallas Chapter of Financial Service Professionals, Finseca Forum 400, and the Planned Giving Council of Palm Beach County. Thank you to all who listened to these compelling presentations. By spreading the word, we hope to emphasize the importance of promoting life insurance as a source of charitable gifts and help bridge the gap between financial and charitable professionals. 

If you have a group who could benefit from hearing more about this topic, please contact us at (312)819-0790 or email ds@iabwf.org. Also, David and Robert’s next speaking engagement is at Finseca’s Advanced Markets 2023 on March 22nd in Washington, D.C.

Insuring A Better World Fund is Donating to the Top Cancer Research Hospitals

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month and in honor of Dr. Bruce Chabner who served 27 years at National Cancer Institute and 13 years as the director of the division of Cancer Treatment at NCI, Insuring A Better World Fund is helping to make a difference. We are making unrestricted donations to help fund cancer research at the nation’s top cancer research hospitals:

      1. Massachusetts General Hospital
      2. Johns Hopkins
      3. University of Chicago
      4. Dana Farber Cancer Institute 
      5. The Cleveland Clinic
      6. Mayo Clinic
      7. MD Anderson
      8. UCSF Hospital 
      9. Penn Medicine 
      10. American Cancer Society 
      11. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 
      12. Northwestern Memorial Medicine 
      13. UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside
      14. New York Presbyterian Hospital 


Insuring A Better World Fund is a charity for charities, whose mission is to transform the over $100 Billion of lapsing life insurance each year to the donors philanthropic ideals at no cost to the donor or their chosen charities. Let’s work together to fund cancer research and all the great charitable causes. Together we can ensure a better world for us all.

Remembering Bart Kogan, a beloved colleague and friend

It is with a heavy heart and great gratitude that I must announce the passing of our friend and fellow InterVivos Board member Bart Kogan. The Obituary below does not begin to cover his generous spirit and devotion to philanthropy. He was a member of our team, from the Board’s inception and his positivity emanated throughout our organization. Insuring A Better World Fund, philanthropy, and all of us, lost a bright light in our collective universe. We will miss him greatly. Let’s double our efforts to leave this world a better place. I know he did.

The Top Ten Ways To Give Life Insurance

David Simon, President and cofounder of Insuring A Better World Fund, recently wrote an article on the Top Ten Ways To Give Life Insurance. This article addresses the ten best ways for non-profits to receive gifts of life insurance. Charities must not miss out on this enormous opportunity to solicit this non-cash alternative for legacy sized gifts. 

ThinkAdvisor has published an edited version of this article on their website. Read it now to learn how charities can access this annual $100 Billion + asset class by transforming unneeded life insurance into legacy gifts at no cost to the charity or its donors.

Upcoming Webinar: Society of Financial Service Professionals

The Kevin O’Connor Philanthropic Innovation Case Study.

Insuring A Better World Fund co-founders David Simon and Robert Stuchiner will be featured in an upcoming webinar to the Society of Financial Service Professionals on September 14th. The session will address how financial professionals can help clients achieve their philanthropic goals and legacies through the no-cost donation of unneeded life insurance. Attendees will learn the logistics of donating a policy, the benefits of philanthropic intent, and how working with charitable organizations can be of benefit to clients and financial professionals. Following a case study format, the life and legacy of Kevin O’Connor, CLU® will be discussed, and how the Insuring a Better World Fund helped O’Connor have a lasting philanthropic impact at the Society of Financial Service Professionals.

Upcoming Webinar: Foundation for Appalachian Ohio

How Donors can Donate An Unwanted or Unneeded Life Insurance Policy at No Cost!

Insuring A Better World Fund’s president, David Simon, will be featured in an upcoming webinar to the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio on August 25th. The event will address how charities can receive millions of dollars in charitable donations at no cost from life insurance policies, the benefits of philanthropic intent and how working with charitable organizations can be of benefit to life insurance professionals. The life and legacy of Insuring A Better World Fund’s first donor will be discussed, and how this innovative alternative helped him make a lasting philanthropic impact at the charities of his choice.

NCPP Baltimore 2017 – IABWF Exhibitors

Co-founders Robert Stuchiner and David Simon at the IABWF exhibit booth during the 2017 NCPP conference in Baltimore. This is the third year IABWF has exhibited at the nation’s prestigious planned giving conference.

The conference is attended by Planned giving professionals representing each charitable sector. IABWF’s mission supports universities, hospitals, disease oriented, poverty tackling, religious, etc. All specialists learn and share at this three day event.

IABWF’s life insurance donation program is the new topic. Most charities for several good reasons do not accept life insurance policies as donations unless the donor pays the ongoing premium. Further, life insurance is premised on the law of large numbers. It is hard for a single charity to achieve the critical mass of policiesnecessary for actuarial credibility.

IABWF is the solution. IABWF pays all premiums after donation and IABWF aggregates life insurance policy donations from many charities to achieve critical mass and actuarial credibility.

IABWF met over 63 new charitable organizations representing thousands of potential donors. Every year over $100 billion dollars of life insurance is wasted by our target market. Now let’s capture some of that value for charities.

NCPP Baltimore 2017 – $1,000 Donation Raffle Winner National WWII Museum

Pictured IABWF co-founder David Simon presenting a $1,000 donation to Abbie Sumners of the National WWII Museum.

David’s father, Sheldon, of blessed memory, served in the war and several members of his family were killed in the Holocaust.  This war plays a unique role in our world’s history.

These are lessons and people that can never be forgotten. IABWF’s fulfills its mission to support veterans and education, blended into this great museum.

“Ranked by USA Today as the #1 best place to learn US military history and designated by Congress as America’s official museum features a rich collection of artifacts that bring history to life”. IABWF is proud to support our National World WWII Museum.

NCPP 2017 Baltimore – Compassion International $1,000 Raffle Donation Winner

Compassion International was a $1,000 NCPP donation winner. David Simon is pictured handing over the check to Sheri Hudson.

Sheri Hudson was our happiest winner. The charity focuses on children and poverty. This charity speaks directly to the IABWF mission.

We look forward to the opportunity to work with Compassion International, helping them serve more impoverished children throughout the world. We agree with Compassion International, poverty is not being poor. Poverty is the lack of hope. It is with our hope that this donation is happily given.

CGP 2016 Conference in Dallas

IABWF exhibited at CGP 2016 in Dallas. The October meeting of the professional planned giving community was IABWF’s second appearance and commemorated IABWF’s start of it’s second year of operation.

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